Quarantine life is interesting. It makes some people hoard toilet paper, it draws some people to get creative and it entices some people to try questionable beauty hacks. Please leave the beauty tips and tricks to the professionals. This quarantine life is the perfect time for people to grow out their bangs, let their roots come in, grow out their eyebrows, etc. this is not the time to try and follow a YouTube tutorial on how to cut bangs or how to wax your entire face. 

There are not many Pros to Quarantine life, but there are a few. This is the best opportunity to do things knowing that you won’t have to leave your house for days on end or depending on your food and toilet paper supply, weeks on end. I encourage you to soak up this time at home to put the tweezers down, step away from that 10X mirror that literally does nothing except make everything 10X worse anyway, and just let the brows grow in. If you’re like me and a teen of the 90s, God knows you need to let those eyebrows be. I know, without even looking at you that they are NOT on fleek right now. And that is okay because this is a time to just let it be. Order a brow serum online to help them grow faster, and while you’re at it check out a lash serum too. Lash serums can take up to 12 weeks to work and the rate we’re going we may be in quarantine for quite awhile, might as well come out of it with luscious lashes.

Wash and condition your hair but maybe don’t apply any heat to it. Give your hair a break from the blow dryer and the straightener. I normally only wash and condition my hair twice a week, and one of those times I use a deep conditioning mask. If I was going to work I’d be using my hair straightener probably multiple times a week to avoid the dents I get in my hair when I sleep, but now, in quarantine, I’ve probably only dried and straightened my hair maybe once in the past 20 some odd days I’ve been home. I’m not saying to not shower and look like a yeti, if washing your hair every single day and blow drying it and straightening it makes you feel good right now, by all means, do it, but this is the one opportunity where you won’t have to see anyone, not family or friends or coworkers, so I am embracing this time by not applying the heat. I’m someone that legit only cuts their hair twice a year, it’s actually a joke I have with my hairdresser that I come in for my biannual appointment, so I, unfortunately, cannot relate to anyone that needs a hair cut and color every 6-12 weeks. But, going to school to be an aesthetician for nearly a year, I do know that cosmetologists go for double the time I went, which means you should not be cutting or coloring your own hair. Even if it’s just your bangs. But, being in Quarantine doesn’t mean that you have to completely let yourself go, there are plenty of safe, easy and effective things you can do that won’t run any kind of risks to your hair, skin, or nails. Check them out below:

  • Do a weekly face mask- Face masks are great for all different skin types and concerns. If you’re struggling with your skin right now, face masks are easy to obtain and most stores have them but if you don’t want to run the risk of going to the store (which you should only go if you need essentials- like food!) I will post below some of my favorite DIY face masks!
  • Facial Gua Sha- This you would need to order if you don’t already have one, but it will be well worth the money. There are a ton of amazing benefits with Facial Gua Sha. It relaxes tension in facial muscles which can cause lines. It can also tone the skin and promote increased skin elasticity. By using a Gua Sha tool every day (it literally takes only 5 minutes to do your entire face) it will help to prevent more fine lines and wrinkles and firm and tone the skin. Is it a replacement for Botox? No, but it can definitely help maintain a more relaxed, lifted looking appearance for the face.
  • Facial Rolling- Similar to Gua Sha it helps with preventing aging. Facial rollers can also help with puffiness around the eyes, aid in lymphatic drainage, and improve blood circulation. Again, is it a replacement for Botox? No, but doing this everyday which probably takes less than 5 minutes for the entire face is worth it just for those benefits listed above.
  • Remove the Nail Polish- If you regularly get mani-pedis or even just manicures, now is the time to remove the nail polish and let your nails breathe. Plus, if you’re doing more cleaning or organizing than ever before (I know I have) it won’t be worth having a freshly done manicure that you spent time on.
  • Practice to Fly- Perfecting a winged liner even for a Pro makeup artist can be trying. Every single person’s eye shape is different in its own way, practice that wing on yourself, or if you’re lucky enough to be quarantined with someone practice on them too. Learning new techniques can be helpful to perfect that wing. Now is your chance to fly.
  • STOP TOUCHING YOUR FACE- This is a hard one, for a majority of the people I treat, especially people that suffer from acne. Leave your face alone, let the pimples be. No one can see you, therefore no one will see the pimples. You do more harm than good by touching and popping things that shouldn’t be touched or popped. Trust me, you do not want to be struggling years down the road with having clear skin but a face full of scars. It is not worth it.
  • Soak in Epsom Salts- Whether it’s just a foot soak or a bath, Epsom salts provide a ton of health benefits. It helps reduce pain and swelling, it promotes sleep and aids in reducing stress, and it’s great for people that exercise and need that relief in muscle soreness, aches or cramps.
  • Keep your hair off your face- Especially if you’re not washing it as often, push your hair back or braid it, clip it, whatever you have to do, just make sure it’s not on your face so it doesn’t cause breakouts.

DIY Face Masks 

If you have a dry, irritated skin try this Honey, Avocado Oat Mask!

What You Need: 

– 1/2 Avocado.

– 1 tablespoon of honey.

– A handful of oats or oat bran.

Mix these ingredients in a bowl and apply evenly to a clean face. Leave on for 15 minutes and then rinse off with lukewarm water.

If you have acne try this Honey Cinnamon mask out!

What You Need:

-1 teaspoon of cinnamon

-2 tablespoons of honey

Mix these ingredients in a small bowl until the cinnamon blends thoroughly into the honey. Apply the mixture to your face using your hands until you get an even coverage for your face. Leave the mask on your face for 10-15 minutes and then rinse off with lukewarm water.

Do you have a favorite DIY face mask recipe? Please share! What have you been doing in quarantine that helps with your skin, hair or nails?