Demi Lovato 27 years old

Treatment for your skin is all around very similar once you reach your 20’s, but depending on your concerns and your goals, skincare products, and treatments can slightly vary. As we age unfortunately so does our skin. When we’re young our cells turnover at a much faster rate which explains the plumper, smoother skin. When we enter our 20’s our cells turnover every 28 days, that’s about once a month, when we reach our 30’s our cells turnover every 38 days, 40’s it’s every 48 days- see where I am going with this? Skincare products, with active ingredients and doing regular facial treatments help speed up our cell’s metabolism so our cell turnover rate can be better than every 2 months. Which will also help you look younger, brighter, and more refreshed.

When you reach your 20’s you don’t know how lucky you are! Beautiful, plump skin that doesn’t have any lines, wrinkles, or sun damage yet! Take advantage of every person ID-ing you at the bar, club, or movie theater! I always advise starting young when it comes to skincare. When you begin at an early age you prevent more damage to the skin from occurring. Skincare for people in their 20’s will look a little like this:

Cleanse: Make sure you’re cleansing morning and night. If you suffer from acne make sure you’re using products that have benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid in them to help with breakouts. If you’re dry make sure you’re cleansing with something creamy that doesn’t have acids in them which will only further dry you out.

Olivia Culpo 27 years old

Exfoliate: Twice a week with a scrub for oily, acne skin types, and for dryer, sensitive skin a mild scrub that has oatmeal in it to help calm and soothe the skin.

Moisturize: Moisturize morning and night! Morning moisturizer should have an SPF of 30 or higher and preferably have either zinc oxide or titanium dioxide in it. Nighttime you want to look for something thick and creamy for dry sensitive skin, and for oily acne skin, something medicated to help heal breakouts.

I normally advise patients 25 and older to seriously consider adding an eye cream and anti-aging products into their skincare routines. Prevention is key when it comes to skincare.

Sophie Turner 24 years old

This is the time to start getting regular facials. If you suffer from acne, receiving a facial every 4-6 weeks helps tremendously with breakouts. If you don’t have acne, now is the time to start thinking about prevention. Aging skin is hard to treat when you’ve gotten to a point where you need to spend more time and money on treatments than if you started earlier. Start receiving facials at least 5-6 times a year.

I wanted to document this because so many people don’t see me until they’re well into their late 40’s and then become frustrated when their signs of aging or sun damage aren’t removed immediately. If you treat your skin as early as possible and educate your children on the importance of sunscreen (sun damage is the number 1 cause of why our skin has fine lines, wrinkles, and dark spots) you can slow the skin from aging at an accelerated rate.

Ariana Grande 26 years old