Great skin is something some very lucky people are just magically born with, and for everyone else, it is something that you must work at every day to achieve. Achieving skincare goals is for some a difficult feat, but not impossible. Incorporating healthy habits can help you get closer to flawless skin and throwing that foundation in the trash. I’ve come up with 5 habits of people who have great skin do every day, keep reading to know the secrets!

  • Washing your face- this sounds like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised at what I’ve seen and heard. Not only cleansing your skin morning and night but after a late night of partying with makeup on—WASH YOUR FACE! Your skin ages up to 7 TIMES FASTER if you do not wash your makeup off!!! Sorry for yelling, but this needed to be said in bigger letters to get my point across. 
Bare Minerals Pure Plush Cleanser. You can find this cleanser here
  • Exfoliating- Exfoliation is a vital element in your skincare routine. You need to slough off that dead skin that is inhibiting your products from doing their job. Every skincare line out there has an exfoliant because again, it is a vital component in your routine. But how many times you exfoliate makes a huge difference. I’ll try not to yell for this one, you should only exfoliate 2 TIMES a week! That’s it. Some super oily people can get away with 3 times depending on the product, but for most people exfoliation only needs to be done TWICE a week! No more or less than that. 

“The best foundation you can wear is glowing healthy skin.”

Skin Care Hydrating Enzyme Mask is a perfect exfoliation for anyone who is dry/dehydrated. You can find this exfoliant here
  • SPF- Like exfoliation and cleansing, SPF is essential. If you have a fear of wrinkles, fine lines, sun damage or discoloration, and of course the obvious-Skin Cancer- go out and buy an SPF with titanium dioxide or zinc oxide that is 30 or higher and protect yourself from those harmful rays. Staying out of the sun and wearing SPF protects and prevents damage to the skin. All-year-round. If you have children, please please please put SPF on them. Sun damage occurs years later in life. If you get a really bad burn in your teens those fine lines and dark spots will appear 10-15 years later, ie right when you start to age and notice those crows feet and forehead lines coming in. Also, Botox is expensive. 
Image Skin Care Prevention+ SPF 32 Moisturizer. You can find this SPF here
  • Water- there’s a lot of misleading information about water and skin. Some people say drinking water doesn’t clear your skin, some people disagree. I say that drinking water is essential to being healthy whether it clears your skin or not and if it does it’s a bonus to just keep drinking it! Studies say to drink half your weight in water, meaning if you’re 150 pounds you should be consuming 75 oz of water a day and more if you are exercising. Drinking water will make your skin look hydrated, and with proper skincare routines and treatments will make it glow. So drink up! 
google images

“Glowing skin is always in.”

  • Go to Sleep- They don’t call it beauty sleep for anything! Getting a good night’s sleep (7-8 hours nightly) helps your skin repair. By not getting that much-needed shut-eye is putting your skin at risk for further aging.

BONUS: Get that much-needed shut-eye with a satin or silk pillowcase to be gentler on both your skin and your hair. I have slept on a satin or silk pillowcase since college and I definitely feel a difference in my skin when I sleep on anything that isn’t silk or satin.

So, there you have it, 5 easy habits to incorporate into your daily life in hopes to achieve great skin! Do you know of any habits that I may be missing?