Showing: 6 - 10 of 20 RESULTS
health wellness

95 Years Young

Today marks 65 days that I have been in Quarantine. My last day of work was on March 16, 2020, and I have only left the house to grocery shop, take my cat to the vet, and as of late, take walks in the open parks. Since my time in quarantine, life has forever been …

health makeup skincare wellness

5 Tips to Stop Breaking Out Today

Breaking out, unfortunately, happens. For some people, pimples don’t just stop occurring after their teenage years. Some people suffer all their life with acne or the occasional pimple. Every time I see a patient that suffers from acne or breakouts, I always ask them if they are doing these 5 tips, and more often than …

health skincare wellness

Glowing Skin at Any Age: In Your 50’s and Beyond

Treatment for your skin is all around very similar once you reach your 20’s, but depending on your concerns and your goals, skincare products, and treatments can slightly vary. As we age unfortunately so does our skin. When we’re young our cells turnover at a much faster rate which explains the plumper, smoother skin. When …

health skincare wellness

Glowing Skin at Any Age: In Your 40’s

Treatment for your skin is all around very similar once you reach your 20’s, but depending on your concerns and your goals, skincare products and treatments can slightly vary. As we age unfortunately so does our skin. When we’re young our cells turnover at a much faster rate which explains the plumper, smoother skin. When …
